What is Community?
Written for HSA National Reunion 2011 by Daniel Gardner
Deep within us burning
like a fire strobe of light
Is a need to keep on learning
to keep up the good fight.
And as you live life’s moments,
somewhere along the line,
You discover what makes life meaningful
are the meaningful friends you find.
Community is what keeps you laughing
Even when you’re miles away from home,
It’s the sense that you are new here,
but in no sense alone.
Community is the GLUE that binds the paper,
it’s the voice that rises from a choir
It’s the WIND beneath our wings
That bid our dreams fly that much higher!
Community CALLS people from every tribe,
It draws people from every coast,
It bids the young & and old together
discover what they cherish the most!
It’s that SWELL in the music,
it’s the BEATING in your heart,
It’s the fact that we are stronger
than anyone of us apart.
Truly it can be said:
You can break us or beat us,
You can conquer or leave us,
But you shall not break down
You shall not beat back,
our beating hearts as one!
It’s this group of common people
who stick together through best & worse.
Who define community
and inspire this last verse
Was it not Patrick Henry who said, in 1799,
“United we stand, divided we fall?”
I read in a small child’s story book
On another man’s shoulders, I am twice as tall.
We know that people are precious
and we know that life is short,
So we cherish those moments of togetherness
Because their made of the happiest sort.
Community is SO beautiful because of the
people we hold SO dear,
It’s the unity in community that makes it worth it,
I think you’ll agree:
That’s what brings all of us
each one of us
Note from Israel Wayne:
Daniel Gardner is a missionary, media professional, comedian, superhero and down-to-earth guy who loves Jesus. He is the author of the excellent blog: www.lifeschooled.com. I highly recommend that you subscribe to his blog. He has a great heart for others and as a young man is a bright light for our Savior in this very dark world.