by Israel Wayne | May 20, 2011 | Commentary, Videos
Dr. Francis Schaeffer, a brilliant Christian philosopher who died in 1984, gives great insight to the Postmodern crisis we are experiencing within the church today. He explains how Thomas Aquinas opened the door for an Epistemological compromise between the Bible as...
by Israel Wayne | May 20, 2011 | Guest Columns, Videos
Matt Slick of Christian Apologetics and Research Ministry talks about Rob Bell’s new book, Love Wins, and discusses the disturbing theological implications of Rob’s views on eternal hell: [youtube][/youtube]...
by Israel Wayne | May 18, 2011 | Articles, Guest Columns
Is There Anything Wrong With Rob Bell’s Gospel? Wednesday, 18 May 2011 07:38 AM EDT J. Lee Grady Newsletters – Fire In My Bones The popular author’s controversial book Love Wins celebrates God’s love but drifts dangerously into Universalism. I’m...
by Israel Wayne | May 17, 2011 | Articles
Is Jesus for losers? That is what many people seem to believe. Well, I guess I’m inclined to agree…at least in this sense: Being a Christian, I’ve lost a lot. That makes me a loser, right? I’ve lost right to be my own selfish pig. I’ve...
by Israel Wayne | May 16, 2011 | Interviews
Omaha Beach in the War of the Worldviews (Kevin Swanson interviews Israel Wayne on Generations With Virtue radio show) A Christian Education Manifesto “Whoever controls the ideas contained in the textbooks controls the future of politics, economics, and society...
by Israel Wayne | May 12, 2011 | Guest Columns, Videos
How did America go from being the most freedom-loving, free-enterprise system in the world, to increasingly embracing Government control of the means of production on almost every front? Where did begin? You are about to get an amazing history lesson from one of the...
by Israel Wayne | May 12, 2011 | Commentary, Videos
A friend of mine wrote to me yesterday to recommend a book by Bart Erhman, a man who speaks and writes on the texts of the Bible, and the quality of the New Testament manuscripts. Her letter caused me to reflect on Ehrman’s popularity, especially in academic...
by Israel Wayne | May 10, 2011 | Guest Columns, Videos
Ayn Rand (1905-1982), Russian-born novelist and philosopher, is the poster lady for the modern-day Libertarian movement, and is admired by many freedom-loving conservatives and patriots. She was the founder of a philosophy called Objectivism and promoted Egoistic...
by Israel Wayne | May 10, 2011 | Book Reviews
(Genesis – The Key to Defending Your Faith) Ken Ham is one of the leading Christian apologists of our day, and his book, The Lie: Evolution, is a great resource for every Christian library. Ken explains how science cannot prove where the universe came from (because...
by Israel Wayne | May 9, 2011 | Articles
Hi Israel, Our friends’ son (a homeschooled young man raised in a Christian home) now states that he is not a Christian, doesn’t believe that Jesus lived and the Bible, to him, is just another old book. Very sad but it was coming.. He had joined the...