Reexamining the Patriarchal Vision

I was recently approached by a mother at a homeschooling convention who heard me speak to the teens on the topic of “Waiting for True Love.” She brought her 11-yr-old daughter up to me and said, “Mr. Wayne, can you please tell my daughter why, when she turns 18, that...

Why Government Needs to Get Out of Healthcare

Healthcare is not the domain of the civil government. Medical expenses, above and beyond the ability of an individual or a family to pay, falls into the category of a charitable need. In this essay, I will seek to outline how God has directed these needs to be handled...

A Shift in the Homeschooling Movement

I have had a unique viewpoint in the homeschooling movement since 1978 when my mother started homeschooling my sister and me. The modern-day Christian homeschooling movement began in 1983, so I’ve literally seen just about everything that has ever happened in...

Distance from God?

The only thing that terrified Jesus was being out of fellowship with His Father. “My God, My God, why have you abandoned Me?” He cried from the cross.  (Mark 15:34 NLT) We’ve grown accustomed to being out of touch with God; the things that terrify us are the thought...