John Piper and Rick Warren
Rick Warren is one of the most famous preachers of our day. He is the author of the runaway NY Times best-seller, The Purpose-Driven Life.
Rick Warren has given a lot of interviews over the years, and a number of them have gotten him in some hot water, including his controversial appearances on Larry King Live and Colbert Nation with Stephen Colbert on Comedy Central (not to mention his prayer at President Barack Obama’s inauguration). In those interviews, Warren seems to like building bridges with people and enjoys being everyone’s buddy. He doesn’t seem to be able to handle either fastballs up and in, or sliders low and away.
However, John Piper, another of today’s most popular preachers, met with Rick Warren to “rehabilitate the witness” as they say in court. Piper gives Warren pitches to hit and asks him very direct questions to help Warren clarify what he really thinks and believes about doctrine (a topic that we don’t often associate with Rick Warren, by his own admission). I encourage you to check this out and allow Rick to address his views in context, and in a less hostile setting than a rapid-fire, sound-byte interview. I hope you benefit from this discussion:
I love John Piper , but I have seen the results of Rick Warren teaching and it was not consistant with Scriptue , it was more of a conformity to the World.
I just don’t trust Rick Warren, he seems to be artificial in his methods.