Who are the most influential Evangelicals in America?
TIME Magazine took a guess at The Top 25 Evangelicals a few years back, but I think things have shifted just a tad since then. I made one of these lists four years ago, and you’ll notice some changes.
Previously listed 4-5 years ago were: James Dobson, Rob Bell, Rick Warren, Charles Colson, Louie Giglio, T.D. Jakes, Brian McLaren, Kirk Cameron, Mark Driscoll & Sarah Palin.
For the purposes of this list, by “Evangelical” I mean living, current Protestant Christians and I included the Pentecostal / Charismatic movement. This year I have chosen to exclude famous Christian celebrities like actors, sports heroes and politicians from this list, to focus more on those who are mostly known for their full-time ministry work.
Here is my current subjective list of who I think the top 10 most influential Evangelical leaders (for better or worse) may be (in no particular order of importance):
1. Joyce Meyer
According to the last data I could find, Joyce’s organization grosses over $116,000,000 per year. She is a mega-star who has a phenomenal global following. She is consistently one of the best-selling Christian authors in America.
2. Joel Osteen
Best-selling author, Joel Osteen has become a rallying point for many in the Charismatic movement because of his positive, prosperity gospel message and his southern, friendly demeanor. His mega-church in Houston grosses over $600,000 in local offerings per week, not to mention the millions in donations they receive each year from around the world.
The son of famous evangelist, Billy Graham, Franklin is having a huge impact on the world through his work with Samaritan’s Purse, a world-relief organization with an annual revenue of $60,000,000. Because of his willingness to speak his mind on cultural issues, he is a frequent Christian spokesman on national television. He is also the President and CEO of his father’s BGEA ministry.
4. Ronnie Floyd
When you are the president of the Southern Baptist Convention (the nation’s largest evangelical organization with over 50,000 churches and over 15,000,000 members worldwide), you will likely get the chance to be included on my list. Ronnie has unified both the conservative and more progressive elements of the SBC into a fairly cohesive unit at present, which is no small task!
5. John Piper
Founder of Desiring God, Piper has become a rather “hip” face for the Reformed theology crowd and has a tremendous influence on people who don’t even know what a TULIP is.
6. Ray Comfort
Ray who? I think Ray will be the dark horse of my list. While certainly not the best-known, he is having a MAJOR impact in shaping the way that many American Christians think about evangelism. Through his street ministry, The Way of the Master, his compelling videos, and his nearly half-a-million Facebook followers, Ray is making people think and is one of Evangelicalism’s most impactful leaders.
7. Sarah Young
Sarah is the author of the run-a-way best-selling book, Jesus Calling. According to Publishers Weekly, this book has sold over 14,000,000 copies! In the Christian publishing world…that is a LOT of copies! In June of 2015, she wrote 4 of the top-20 best-selling Christian books on the ECPA chart, INCLUDING the #1 spot with Jesus Calling…more than 10 years after it’s release! That’s called domination.
8. Lecrae
Okay, I didn’t say I would exclude music artists, did I? 😉 I don’t think I could talk about current influence without mentioning this guy. Last year, he hit #1 on the secular Billboard 200 chart…as a Christian artist! In the first week of his allbums’s release, he sold an astounding 88,000 units. He has currently sold over 1,500,000 albums and had over 3,000,000 singles downloads. His top video on Youtube has almost 9,000,000 views. #Influence
9. Ken Ham
There is still a large segment of those who identify themselves as Fundamentalist Christians, and Ken represents the “funnest” of these. He leads the charge of the Creationist movement, and is the founder of Answers in Genesis, the Creation Museum and the Ark Encounter. His video-recorded debate with Bill Nye (the Science Guy) was viewed by over 8,000,000 people within the first week. He has the ear of the ever-growing homeschooling movement as well. With over 2.6 million books sold, I think he is a major leader among the most theologically conservative elements of Evangelicalism.
10. The Robertson Family (Duck Dynasty)
Okay, I lied. I just really couldn’t think of anyone who is making a deeper cultural impact, as Christians, than these guys. The Robertson family dynasty continues to grow and they write Christian books, share their testimonies at Christian events….they are just a phenomenon right now. This could all turn on a dime with the fickleness of reality TV, but for the moment…they made my list.
Please do not interpret my listing of these leaders as an endorsement of them or their ministries.
So what do you think? Agree, or disagree? I’d love to hear your feedback.
Israel Wayne is an Author and Conference Speaker. He is the Director of Family Renewal, LLC and Site Editor for www.ChristianWorldview.net.
Disagree. Emphatically disagree! Joyce Myers, Joel Osteen? May Christ have mercy.
By “disagree” are you merely saying that you don’t like them, or that you don’t believe they have cultural influence?
Jimmy Swaggart should head the list. He has the longest running ministry in the US and speaks truth. I watch his show every day and no other! I agree with you, Michelle. I like Ray Comfort. We have to have leaders who speak to the issues. There are too many uninformed Christians whose pastors do not face up to what is happening in our country.
Only God can decide if Jyce Meyer, Joel Olstein and Benny Hinn are trully Christian. D A Carson might be addeed to the liist.as the theologian of the century
Joyce Meyers is very relevant in my opinion, in an awesome way. God used her to help solidify my walk with Christ at a time, in my early twenties, when I really needed some practical, honest, and speaking the truth of God’s word in my life. She is all of that and more. Now almost 20 years later, she is the same. I feel a lot of people like to take snippets of her and others and say they preach heresy when those people really have no idea about what they preach. You could take a snippet from the bible and twist it, you must use it in context and proper teaching. It’s the same with them.
When I first heard Joyce Meyer she sounded good. But when I heard her tell those attending her conference to outright lie to their friends to get them to attend, my ears opened to really listen to her. She told attendees to get their friends to come by telling them that there was free food, and not to mention it was about JESUS, because that would turn them off. I recently heard her tell an audience that she would never use a credit card to buy something she wanted, but would save to purchase in cash. Whom is she kidding? She buys whatever she wants whenever she wants with her millions. She also told the same folks that they would be happier living in their small house instead of a big one. Again, whom is she kidding, as she has at least 6 houses. When a person claims JESUS as their LORD but uses the millions they get by peddling their brand for face lifts, houses, jets, etc, one has to question what their motive is: Kingdom or riches? Remember Satan quoted the Bible with the best of them.
Did you listen long enough to find out her background and her testimony? That is good financial advice. She didn’t always have lots of money. No one is perfect and you don’t resonate with her, but she has helped millions of hurting people.
When I became a new real Christian, I faithfully watched Joyce Meyer for three months. Then I realized what was happening to me. I was not convicting myself; I was condemning myself. Not only for myself but others and I felt obligated to tell them how their lives would be perfect if they would just do what I say. Sadly I have real Christian friends in whom I used to see Christ but after they watch her, I see her in them instead of Christ. How very sad indeed.
I agree that many follow people who end up in the spotlight. I agree that many names listed above have ended up there by a cheap grace mentality.
I wholeheartedly believe God uses all circumstances and people for His glory.
I read and listened to a few of these when I was beginning my walk with Jesus. But, as I listened to a few more on this list, I grew in knowledge of God.
I pray that I never ever grow haughty in my knowledge or prideful in the way I live. Regardless of any person I read or listen to, I’m still a sinner and so are they. But, I am always reminded that following a person is not what I’m to do. I’m to keep my eyes on God…
I pray for people on this list and can think of a few others who ‘should’ be here by earthly standards…and cultural influence. I pray that the ones who are selling a cheap Jesus will have their hearts opened by the one who can open them so that they can use their platform for truth…
I am also thankful for you and your desire to do the same…
I think I would have put Jesus up there on the list, close to the top 🙂
What about Elizabeth Elliot?
The condition of our current Christian culture in America is definitely a reflection of the combined influence of those you named!
I didn’t include EE because I am only including living persons.
Thank you, Michelle. I like Elizabeth Elliot also.
I think this is quite an accurate list. I have heard of/seen the influence of all of them throughout my circles. Ray Comfort has truly helped me and my family with leading people to understand their utter sinfulness through the Law, and then their total freedom they can gain through Jesus Christ and Grace. I really like how he uses questions to get people to think for themselves in an honest way.
Amen. Thanks!
This is a very interesting list!
I’m curious as to how you came up with it. Is it that these leaders are the most popular or is it that these leaders are making the most impact on the church and/or the culture? Or maybe you have a different criteria.
Quite a list. I think you chose well, and your assessment (not endorsing or agreeing) is the same as mine. Who were some of the “almost wons”?
Well, maybe so. Not in my world, though. Only two men on there do I endorse completely. Unfortunately many of these influential people are the reason our precious church is a mess. They don’t even belong in the category, because I find them false teachers. People like John MacArthur, Steve Lawson, Paul Washer, David Platt, Albert Mohler, Todd Friel, And Allistair Begg, to name just a few, should be added with Ray Comfort and Ken Ham on my list.
Spot on Jenifer,the problem making a list like this and not calling out the false teachers on the list is detrimental to young believers. Most of those listed are from the word of faith bunch who teach a false prosperity. I pray God’s mercy on us all, we live in day when Satan like ISIS is very successful in his recruiting activities. I heard Steve Harvey say the other day he was seeking to widen the way to God because “church” people make it too narrow for people like him, he stated he could not back up what he was doing with Scripture, “he just knew in his gut” what he believed. I wonder where “narrow is the gate and broad is the way to destruction” fits in to his “gospel”? What is the point of this list, how does it further the kingdom of God?
I agree, Jenifer!! I’d also add R.C Sproul and Ravi Zacharias!!
Interesting. I cannot think of anyone more influential, at the moment. But I do think some of those listed, sadly, are spreading heresy. This can be equally influential. However, if God can reach a man with a donkey, He can also teach people even through those preaching and teaching heresy. One of these people made a very positive impact in me early in my walk. Only later did I realize there was a significant amount of error in the teaching. At the time though, the Lord used it to draw me closer , and inspire a thirst to know more.
I think your article notes influentials inside what’s considered by many to be evangelicalism. But this is quite inaccurate in that you’ve included some in your list whose theology seems to remove them altogether from Christian faith.
Influential? Sure.
Evangelical? Uh, no.
I was thinking this too.
Agree! Heretics or not. They are the most influential in the church, as sad as it may be.
I don’t believe most true evangelical Christians would include either Joyce Moore or Joel Osteen in a list of evangelicals. The amount of money they accrue should have nothing to do with how successful they are. It should be the message they give. Your other 8, I would agree with.
I like them all. Why? Because they point others to Christ. I will say this though,I don’t understand how anyone can think grace could ever be cheap. There is only one grace that was bestowed on us and that was the Good News of Jesus Christ. What is the good news? We are redeemed from our sins, our debt has been paid, we cannot work our way to heaven. Through His death on the cross our sins were washed away…past, present and future. If that were not so Christ would need to die again and again for our sins. The work is finished. And it wasn’t cheap. The ministers who preach this message are responsible for 1000’s of people coming to Christ. I think it’s time to stop criticizing the men and women who are actually doing something to advance the kingdom of God. The gospel is a simple lavish love…He laid down His life that we may be free. Sometimes I think Christians have forgotten who they were before Christ and who Christ came for…the sinner, the brokenhearted, the poor, the lame, the outcast. When they hear the good news of Jesus Christ, they are grateful and sob at the idea that He could even love them, but to also die for them is beyond imaginable. Praise God for every preacher of influence that points others to Christ, whether it be through a simple message or profound. Christ is all in all.
I like Ray Comfort. I’ve used some of his stuff in talking with non-Christians.
My MIL bought my boys and me “Jesus Calling”. It is our summer study.
As an avid creationist our family owns both the adult and children’s library from Answers in Genesis.
I don’t read too many books by Christian authors. My feeling is that I’m reading what God taught them. I try to study and read my Bible and listen to what God teaches me. Doesn’t mean I wont read one…..just very rarely.
I appreciate the “no bias” you seemed to offer here but would be curious about who you really believe is an excellent disciple of Christ.
Thank you for the question. I am responding more on the principle that we are better advised to be supportive to other believers than to be judgmental. We all need encouragement and, perhaps, those who are more public than the rest of us need it even more. I don’t know all the beliefs of all the persons in Israel Wayne’s list, but I believe they are my brothers and sisters and need my support. I would prefer to be supportive than to be jealous of their success or critical of the details of their beliefs. My wife and I are both adult teachers and travel internationally teaching pastors and Christian leaders from many different backgrounds. By trying to be inclusive of everyone who believes in our Savior I hope to position myself to be a blessing to them all. Does this make sense?
I am grateful for the opportunity to support in prayer people who are salt and light in our generation. May the Lord protect, bless, encourage, strengthen, defend, refine and use them powerfully for His glory. They will be both criticized and appreciated–they are high-profile–but it is our Christian privilege to support them with our prayers. I expect to spend eternity with them. “I am a friend to all who fear you, to all who follow your precepts.” Psalm 119:63
Ron do you mean you expect that you will be spending eternity with false teachers? I understand praying for them, but should I expect to spend eternity with them if they go to their grave teaching “another” gospel? Do you consider joel osteen and joyce meyer to be salt and light? I am having difficulty understanding they are preaching the true gospel of Jesus Christ. Some things Mrs Meyer believes:Here is what Meyers teaches – “During that time He entered hell, where you and I deserved to go (legally) because of our sin…He paid the price there.…no plan was too extreme…Jesus paid on the cross and in hell….God rose up from His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God, “Let Him go.” Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus…He was resurrected from the dead the first born-again man” (The Most Important Decision You Will Ever Make: A Complete And Thorough Understanding Of What It Means To Be Born Again, 1991, pp 35-36, Joyce Meyer)
Now spirits don’t have bodies, so we can’t see them. Okay? There probably is, I believe there is, and I certainly hope there is several angels up here this morning that are preaching with me. I believe that right before I speak some anointed statement to you, that one of them bends over and says in my ear what I’m supposed to say to you. [Witchcraft & Related Spirits (Audiotape, Part 1)]
“I’m going to tell you something folks, I didn’t stop sinning until I finally got it through my thick head I wasn’t a sinner anymore. And the religious world thinks that’s heresy and they want to
hang you for it. But the Bible says that I’m righteous and I can’t be righteous and be a sinner at the same time.”
‘Why do people have such a fit about God calling His creation, His man—not His whole creation, but His man—little gods? If He’s God, what’s He going to call them but the god-kind?’ I mean, if you as a human being have a baby, you call it a human kind. If cattle has another cattle, they call it cattle-kind. So, I mean, what’s God supposed to call us? Doesn’t the Bible say we’re created in his image? Now, you understand I am not saying you are God with a capital G.” (Joyce Meyer, Authority and Opposition, audio tape number 1236.)
“The Lord recently showed me that we can bless or curse the financial seed we sow. We can speak positively about our financial future, or we can say things like, ‘I can’t afford it’ . . . ‘Every time I turn around something happens to take my money’. . . . We should water our giving with the water of His word and expect an abundant harvest. Sow your seed and speak prosperity scriptures over your finances. (Joyce Meyer, “Your Mouth is a Weapon,” Life in the Word March 1997, p. 4.)
She is a classic word of faith heretic; her condemnation from long ago is not idle and her destruction is not asleep
I believe there will be many people in heaven whose doctrines are not 100% correct; my own may not be either, for that matter. We get to heaven because our faith is in our Savior and He has forgiven us and welcomed us into the Father’s family; not because our doctrine is totally right. John Olstene (the father-now deceased) and Joel (the son with a different emphasis today) still are influencing many toward our Lord in India where I travel months out of most years. Joyce Myer is a blessing to many–not because of her every belief, but because she points people to the Lord. I could probably find something with which I disagreed with you if I tried. The important thing is that we win people to the Lord, support and encourage each other. This does not mean I do not have my own firmly held Bible-based beliefs; it just means than the things that unite us are far more important to the total project than the comparatively minor things that divide us. So, yes, I will continue to pray for all who declare the Word of God. God bless you. Thank you for wanting to grow.
the comparatively minor things that divide us…..– “During that time He entered hell, where you and I deserved to go (legally) because of our sin…He paid the price there.…no plan was too extreme…Jesus paid on the cross and in hell….God rose up from His throne and said to demon powers tormenting the sinless Son of God, “Let Him go.” Then the resurrection power of Almighty God went through hell and filled Jesus…He was resurrected from the dead the first born-again man” With this I’m done and will not add any more discussion, God help us.
I think it’s “funny” that you equate making a lot of money with being influential. Plus, I’m concerned that you don’t know what “evangelical” means. In order to be an evangelical, you must first be a Bible-believing Christian. That immediately disqualifies Joyce Meyer and Joel Osteen; and puts Lecrea in doubt. Just because someone says they are a Christian doesn’t mean that they actually are. You need to compare their words and deeds with the Bible.
One Hugely important Leader, Teacher, Author, Speaker not mentioned is Ann Graham Lotz, another of Billy Graham’s
children. Her Ministry, AnGeL, is world -renowned! And she
is the Best Speaker/Teacher in her family! And Ray Comfort is an absolute Delight!
But please consider taking Joel Osteen Off of the list. He is leading too many ‘sheeple’ down the ‘wide path’, away from the
‘narrow way’ that leads to wholeness in Himself! Also, on the
Larry King show a few years ago he said there are Many paths
to Heaven. Jesus said otherwise…John 14:6
Joanna, perhaps it would be more appropriate for the millions of people who buy his books and watch his broadcasts to take him off the list.
I do understand these people listed do make major impacts on Americans.I certainly agree with Franklin Graham being on the list.But my list differs because of who I as an individual listen to on a regular basis and do feel they make a huge impact in the lives of many but not everyone would choose them as favorites.I grew up as Baptist which is fine but have a tendancy to lean toward the teachings of some evangelicals.I listen to John Hagee,Perry Stone,Marcus Lamb,Irvin Baxter,Jentzen Franklin,David Jeremiah,and have learned a great deal from them even if I may not agree with on everything but the benefits outweigh anything I might not agree with.
With the only exceptions of Ken Ham and Ray Comfort, this is a pretty abysmal list. This surely speaks to the apostasy of the American church. It’s no wonder that our nation is in the state it’s in when the church is in such bad shape.
I think it’s a pretty accurate list. Only person I really expected to see who is missing is Al Mohler.
I know. It hurt me to not add him. But it was a toss-up between him and Ronnie Floyd…and…well…tough call.
I heard franklin say that he was still a sinner. I THOUGHT that JESUS died on the cross to cleanse us of all sins,and to make us children of GOD. that GOD remembers our past no more.we are righteous in GOD sight.why cannot Christains tell poeple that is who they are in Christ. IAM not perfect but I Am a christain through the grace of GOD
We’re all sinners, saved by grace (if we belong to Christ.) Romans 6:14 says sin shall not be our MASTER, but in Romans 7 Paul describes the conflict of the two natures (flesh / spirit) as ongoing, therefore we can be called sinners (depending on the context) yet we can also be called SAINTS, because of HIS Spirit which is alive in us.
The only problem I have is that you did not define “Influential,” so we can all disagree with you on our own criteria. It’s something like the power to cause change. In this context what type of change are you considering? Seems to fluctuate.
And @Michelle: Jesus is not a Christian (how could he follow himself?)
My prayer is that before anyone actually chooses to follow anyone on this list that they seek out the truth about them. Many on this list are charlatans and have nothing to do with being true followers of LORD JESUS. HE will certainly say to them, “I do not know you.” Where are John MacArthur, R.C. Sproul, Erwin Lutzer, Alister Beggs, Steven Davey, Ravi Zacharias, Tony Evens, Chuck Swindall, Michal Youssef all the others who actually teach the Bible accurately?
Influential? Yes. Christians? Hmmm. Matt. 7:21-23 comes to mind for most of them. Yet the apostle Paul gave praise that Christ’s name was preached even if the doctrine was terrible and the motives seemed to be less than noble, because at the very least it was making people think about Christ. The teachers & preachers in my life actually read their Bibles, give what it says comparing Scripture with Scripture, and don’t peddle pragmatism, culturalism, or well, basically just themselves. For that I am thankful.
Why would Rev. Billy Graham not be included on your list. Also, Pastor John Hagee, Rev. Charles Stanley, and David Jeremiah…
Thank you so much for writing this list and I found it interesting and I know it’s quite a hard task picking up your most influential evangelicals. I’m very glad you mentioned Ray Comfort, I rarely see his name being mentioned in other lists similar to yours. And oh, similarly, here’s a list of infuential charismatic churches and its preachers: http://kingdomchange.org/state-of-the-church/most-influential-pentecostal-charismatic-churches-in-america/ ..
I couldn’t help but comment. I see a lot of people discrediting Joyce Meyer and Joel osteen.. These are people that have won so many souls and made + impact in people’s lives…She told the congregation to lie to their friends?She obviously didn’t mean it that way.and even If she did no one is perfect. because you are a preacher doesn’t mean your every move and walk is holy..God is holy not us..we all have preferences so if you do not agree with someone’s preaching find another preacher that has what you need..I’m sure we’re all in speaking terms with GOD anyway.. And nobody should feel that a preacher is perfect in every way.The same way God is doing a work in all of us,He is also doing a work in them. Keep the Love! stop comparing churches and preachers.♡