by Israel Wayne | Oct 16, 2013 | Articles
Within the past several weeks I have talked with several sincere Christians who independently told me that they live under a constant weight of guilt and condemnation. The worst part of that struggle was the uncertainty of the source of their feelings. None of them...
by Israel Wayne | Oct 6, 2013 | Articles
I’ve learned (from Facebook) the fastest ways to be dismissive of someone who has a stronger Biblical argument than you. 1. Say, “Don’t judge me!” This seems to be the only “Bible verse” that EVERYONE knows. They will have no choice...
by Israel Wayne | Oct 6, 2013 | Articles
I believe that a huge number of disagreements between Christians come from a fundamental difference in the way we do Hermeneutics (the discipline of how we study, understand and interpret Scripture within its various literary genres and historical contexts). Reformed...
by Israel Wayne | Jul 19, 2013 | Commentary
Author Eric Metaxas speaks about German Theologian, Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and his resistance to Adolf Hitler and the Third Reich. Bonhoeffer was part of a resistance movement to oppose Hitler, a move that ultimately cost him his life. Unlike most of the pastors in...
by Israel Wayne | Jul 19, 2013 | News
As disturbing as the recent Zimmerman trial has been, the most shocking part of this story may still be unfolding. A Florida jury acquitted neighborhood watch citizen George Zimmerman of second-degree murder in the fatal-shooting death of Trayvon Martin. The U.S....