Yoga & the Scary Side of Transcendental Meditation

New Age guru / consultant, Deepak Chopra, recently received this note from a concerned admirer: Dear Dr. Chopra, I have been meditating for a little more than 5 years now. Sometimes, when I go to bed after meditation, from somewhere within the body, there is a...

Thomas Kinkade (Dead at 54) and a Perfect World

Thomas Kinkade, the “Painter of Light” died on “Good Friday,” April 6, 2012 at his home in California. The irony of the timing of his passing has inspired me to share with you a personal conversation I once had with Mr. Kinkade. A week or two...

Worship: Who Are You to Say What it Is?!

I saw a post on a friend’s Facebook wall the other day. There was a discussion about worship styles (traditional vs. contemporary) and someone made the statement, “Well, who are you to say what is worship and what isn’t?” I can’t get that...

Dealing with Our Doubts

Sometimes even faithful Christian experience times of doubt and uncertainty. This is not cause to lose hope! Rather, this is just a reminder to turn to the Savior and be patient. Wait for God’s answer. God is always working, even when you can’t see His...

What is Wrong with Conservatism?

Since I wrote my last blog post “What is Wrong with Libertarianism?”, I’ve been called everything from a Theocrat, to a Globalist, to a Christian Fascist. It’s always lovely to see how nicely Christians can agree to disagree. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Some folks have...

What is Wrong with Libertarianism?

For some time now, I’ve been wanting to write a post about what is wrong with Libertarianism from a Biblical worldview. First of all, it would be helpful for you to see visually, a basic graph revealing the current political spectrum. Most Christians who call...