What is Post-Postmodernism?

After the Protestant Reformation, a new ethos pervaded the Western world. Christianity began to infiltrate every aspect of culture, from the Arts to Literature, from Philosophy to Science. But then French Enlightenment thinkers like Voltaire, Rousseau and Decartes...

Creed of Gold – Movie Review

The Independent Christian Film genre has grown exponentially over the past 8 years or so. The vast majority of these new independent films have been produced by young, homeschooled graduates (and their families). Creed of Gold is a fine example of the expanding nature...
Becoming a Conference Speaker

Becoming a Conference Speaker

Over the years, I’ve had a lot of people ask me how they can become a conference speaker. Here are a few suggestions: You need to enjoy public speaking. If you enjoy what you are doing, others probably will also. If not, well… Have something compelling to...

Beware of the Me Monster

There is something about the human condition that causes us to want to promote ourselves and make ourselves look better than others. That something is called pride. It resides, to some extent, within every human heart. The bible tells us: “Do nothing from...

Yoga & the Scary Side of Transcendental Meditation

New Age guru / consultant, Deepak Chopra, recently received this note from a concerned admirer: Dear Dr. Chopra, I have been meditating for a little more than 5 years now. Sometimes, when I go to bed after meditation, from somewhere within the body, there is a...

Thomas Kinkade (Dead at 54) and a Perfect World

Thomas Kinkade, the “Painter of Light” died on “Good Friday,” April 6, 2012 at his home in California. The irony of the timing of his passing has inspired me to share with you a personal conversation I once had with Mr. Kinkade. A week or two...