Accomodation or Confrontation?

I recently watched, once again, a video presentation of Dr. Francis Schaeffer’s last public meeting before he died in 1984. I was stunned, again, by the precision of his insights into his era, and ours. Dr. Schaeffer’s last two books, The Great Evangelical...
Ministry and Scandal

Ministry and Scandal

In recent months there have been a couple of national ministries that have been shaken (or completely destroyed) through allegations of moral and/or financial scandal. These situations are the not the first of their kind, nor are they the last. At the moment, I know...

Frustrated Preacher?

Over the years, I have known many “frustrated preachers.” By this, I mean people who want to do big things for God (start a ministry, write a book, be a preacher, become a gospel singer, etc.), but things just haven’t come together. I think there are...

Don’t Judge Me, Man!

If there is one verse from the Bible that is universally known nowadays, it is “Judge not, that you be not judged.” I think it has replaced John 3:16 as the best-known verse in Scripture. Christians and non-Christians alike quote this verse to imply that a...