Christians & Profanity

Christians & Profanity

I once served as an admin for a Facebook group with over 30,000 professing Christians. When we reviewed requests to join the group, it was often disheartening to see the number of profiles that contain lewd pictures, crass jokes, and straight-up profanity on their...
The Need for Hermeneutics

The Need for Hermeneutics

A while back, I spoke at an event for homeschooled graduates and asked the audience to respond to the question, “Do you believe that the 66 books of the Bible are, in the original manuscripts, the inspired and inerrant word of God?” 98% of the attendees at this...
Legal Does NOT Mean Moral!

Legal Does NOT Mean Moral!

In much of Western Culture, there is a belief that if something is legal, it must be morally acceptable. Why do people think this way? In a previous post, I talked about how Friedrich Nietzsche shifted our cultural vocabulary away from speaking about morals (which are...
Evil Proves the Existence of God

Evil Proves the Existence of God

Whenever something terrible happens on the news, like the murder of innocent people, atheists often rage and say, “This proves that God does not exist, because if God is good and all-powerful, then He would stop all of the evil in the world.” The truth,...