Interview with Buddy Davis of Answers in Genesis

One of my favorite people in Christian ministry today is Buddy Davis. I first met Buddy and Kay (briefly) when he was speaking in my home state of Michigan in about 2008 or so. He was speaking at a wild game dinner for hunters and outdoorsmen. A lot of the people in...

Frustrated Preacher?

Over the years, I have known many “frustrated preachers.” By this, I mean people who want to do big things for God (start a ministry, write a book, be a preacher, become a gospel singer, etc.), but things just haven’t come together. I think there are...

Don’t Judge Me, Man!

If there is one verse from the Bible that is universally known nowadays, it is “Judge not, that you be not judged.” I think it has replaced John 3:16 as the best-known verse in Scripture. Christians and non-Christians alike quote this verse to imply that a...

What Many Non-Christians Think of Christians

A recent national study featured focus groups from around the country. Non-Christians were asked to say the first thing that came to their mind when they thought of a Christian. This is what they said: “Mixguided, crazy, selective hearing, psychologically...

Did C.S. Lewis Believe in Evolution?

I have read most of C.S. Lewis’ non-fiction books, and have always been intrigued with his perspective on the topic of Evolution. He was certainly not a young-earth creationist, but his precise views are a bit obscure. However, this video shares some personal...

The World is Flat

The World is flat. That isn’t necessarily a good thing. When Postmodernism (more correctly “Anti-Modernism”) emerged, it successfully dethroned notions of hierarchy, structure, authority and pyramid-shaped leadership. Instead of...